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Municipal Code (Ordinances)

Within this document, you will find the rules and regulations adopted by the City Council and its citizens that help to govern daily activities occurring in our community. Whether you are interested in permits, taxes, animal control, special events, violations, or water/sewer charges; most information can be found within the Municipal Code.


The Municipal Code is a “living“ document in that it can be altered as necessary to better refine the needs of the community. Most often, the code is changed by action of the Common Council. However, citizens may also to vote on ballot issues that become part of the municipal code.


Municipal Code Disclaimer

For the public's convenience, the City Web site includes an electronic version of the Hill City Municipal Code. The on-line code is not intended to replace the current printed version of the Hill City Municipal Code. While every attempt is made to keep the online version of the code current, the City Council periodically passes ordinances that supersede or modify the ordinances included in the online version. This site is intended for general reference only and should not be used in the preparation of official legal documents. Anyone using the online version of the Municipal Code is advised to contact the City Hall with questions regarding the code at (605) 574-2300.


Scroll down to view each title and click on the title to view.

A summary of what is contained in each title is provided for your convenience.

  1. Chapter 1.01 - Name, Boundaries, Power, and General Provisions

  2. Chapter 1.02 - Wards and Ward Boundaries

  3. Chapter 1.03 - The Mayor and City Council

  4. Chapter 1.04 - City Appointive Officials

  5. Chapter 1.05 - Duties and Compensation of Appointive Officers

  6. Chapter 1.06 - City Boards and Employees

  7. Chapter 1.07 - Code of Conduct; Federal Grants

  8. Chapter 1.08 - Financial Regulations

  9. Chapter 1.09 - Records

  1. Chapter 2.01 - Purpose

  2. Chapter 2.02 - Effective Date and Enactment of Tax

  3. Chapter 2.03 - Use Tax

  4. Chapter 2.04 - Collection

  5. Chapter 2.05 - Interpretation

  6. Chapter 2.06 - Penalty

  7. Chapter 2.07 - Additional 1% Sales Tax on Certain Sales and Services Within the City of Hill City, Restricting the Use of the Revenues Derived from Tax

  8. Chapter 2.08 - Separability

  1. Chapter 3.01 - Purpose

  2. Chapter 3.02 - Posting of Permit Required - Penalty

  3. Chapter 3.03 - Animal Control Ordinance

  4. Chapter 3.04 - Special Events

  5. Chapter 3.05 - Outdoor Dances, Concerts, and Similar Entertainment

  6. Chapter 3.06 - Building Permits

  7. Chapter 3.07 - Excavation Permit

  8. Chapter 3.08 - Peddlers & Solicitors

  9. Chapter 3.09 - Licensing and Regulation of Transient Merchants

  10. Chapter 3.10 - Pawnbrokers

  11. Chapter 3.11 - Burial in Cemetery

  12. Chapter 3.12 - Flood Damage Prevention

  13. Chapter 3.13 - Hill City Community Antenna Television Ordinance

  14. Chapter 3.14 - Business Registration

  1. Chapter 4.01 - Definitions

  2. Chapter 4.02 - Separation of Garbage and Refuse Required

  3. Chapter 4.03 - No Accumulation of Garbage or Refuse Allowed

  4. Chapter 4.04 - Abandoned and Junk Motor Vehicles

  5. Chapter 4.05 - Nuisances Prohibited

  6. Chapter 4.06 - Disposition of Automobiles, Animal Carcasses and Refrigerators

  7. Chapter 4.07 - Penalty

  1. Chapter 5.01 - Purpose

  2. Chapter 5.02 - International Fire Code

  3. Chapter 5.03 - Private Uses of Fires Allowed

  4. Chapter 5.04 - Limitations on Sales of Fireworks and Pyrotechnics

  5. Chapter 5.05 - Discharge of Fireworks Prohibited

  6. Chapter 5.06 - (Empty)

  7. Chapter 5.07 - Restrictions on Deposits of Firewood and Fuel

  8. Chapter 5.08 - Fine

  9. Chapter 5.09 - Life Safety Code

  1. Chapter 6.01 - Definitions

  2. Chapter 6.02 - License Required

  3. Chapter 6.03 - Transactions Limited to Designated Premises

  4. Chapter 6.04 - On-Sale Alcoholic Beverages

  5. Chapter 6.05 - Classification and Fees

  6. Chapter 6.06 - Classification and Fees – Sunday License

  7. Chapter 6.06.01 - Memorial Day Alcohol Sales Allowed for Licensed Operators

  8. Chapter 6.07 - Fees for Licenses

  9. Chapter 6.08 - Restriction on Licensed Premises for On-Sale Establishments

  10. Chapter 6.09 - Certification Required for Licensed Operators

  11. Chapter 6.10 - Penalty

  1. Chapter 7.01 - Definitions

  2. Chapter 7.02 - Responsibility for Enforcement

  3. Chapter 7.03 - Speed Limit

  4. Chapter 7.04 - Motor Vehicle Safety Requirements

  5. Chapter 7.05 - Spotlights Prohibited

  6. Chapter 7.06 - Operator and Vehicle Must be Licensed

  7. Chapter 7.07 - Speed of Vehicles in a School Zone

  8. Chapter 7.08 - Exhibition Driving

  9. Chapter 7.09 - Driving to be on the Right Side of the Street

  10. Chapter 7.10 - Obedience to Stop and Yield Signs Required

  11. Chapter 7.11 - Emergency Vehicles to Have Right-of-Way

  12. Chapter 7.12 - Turning Without Signaling Prohibited

  13. Chapter 7.13 - Passing Intersections Prohibited

  14. Chapter 7.14 - Careless Driving or Excessive Noise Prohibited

  15. Chapter 7.14.01 - Reckless Driving

  16. Chapter 7.14.02 - Racing

  17. Chapter 7.15 - No U-turns Allowed on Main Street

  18. Chapter 7.16 - Obstruction of Traffic and Snow Route

  19. Chapter 7.17 - Vehicles Passing in No Passing Zones

  20. Chapter 7.18 - Main Street Parking

  21. Chapter 7.18.01 - Repealed (09-23-02)

  22. Chapter 7.18.02 - Time Limit on Certain Parking

  23. Chapter 7.19 - Vehicles Backing Up

  24. Chapter 7.20 - Parking Near Fire Hydrants Prohibited

  25. Chapter 7.21 - Snow Removal and Street Cleaning

  26. Chapter 7.22 - Snow Removal and Maintenance of Sidewalks

  27. Chapter 7.23 - Removal by City

  28. Chapter 7.24 - City to Remove; Costs

  29. Chapter 7.25 - Method of Assessment

  30. Chapter 7.26 - Hearing; Lien

  31. Chapter 7.27 - Commercial Snow Route

  32. Chapter 7.28 - Permitting material to be Placed in Streets

  33. Chapter 7.29 - Guarding Stairways and Openings in the Sidewalk

  34. Chapter 7.30 - Directing Flow of Water Over Sidewalk

  35. Chapter 7.31 - Encroachment on Highway Right-of-way

  36. Chapter 7.32 - Utilities in the Public Right-of-way

  37. Chapter 7.33 - Double Parking

  38. Chapter 7.34 - Limitations on Turning Around

  39. Chapter 7.35 - Hill City Load Limit

  40. Chapter 7.36 - Bicycles, Tricycles, Scooters, Roller skates and Skateboards Prohibited

  41. Chapter 7.37 - Snowmobiles

  42. Chapter 7.37.01 - Terms Defined

  43. Chapter 7.37.02 - Valid Driver's License Required

  44. Chapter 7.37.03 - Equipment Required

  45. Chapter 7.37.04 - Towing Devices

  46. Chapter 7.37.05 - Unlawful Operation of Snowmobiles

  47. Chapter 7.37.06 - Exceptions

  48. Chapter 7.38 - Muffler and Exhaust Systems

  49. Chapter 7.39 - Penalty

  1. Chapter 8.01 - Waterworks and Sewer System as Public Utility

  2. Chapter 8.02 - Municipal Water and Sewer System

  3. Chapter 8.03 - Private Sewage Disposal Prohibited Unless Public Sewer System Not Available

  4. Chapter 8.04 - Municipal Utility Users Subject to Rules of Service/Inspection

  5. Chapter 8.05 - User to Pay Installation Costs

  6. Chapter 8.06 - Application and Fee for Sewer and Water

  7. Chapter 8.07 - Determination of Rates for Water and Sewer Services

  8. Chapter 8.08 - Rates

  9. Chapter 8.09 - Outside Watering Restrictions

  10. Chapter 8.10 - Payment and Reading Due Dates

  11. Chapter 8.11 - Delinquent Accounts

  12. Chapter 8.12 - Water Meter Accuracy

  13. Chapter 8.13 - Emergencies

  14. Chapter 8.14 - Meter Audit

  15. Chapter 8.15 - Temporary Disconnect

  16. Chapter 8.16 - Owner, Lessee Liable

  17. Chapter 8.17 - Sewer Discharges: Regulation of Sewer Use

  18. Chapter 8.18 - Deposits

  19. Chapter 8.19 - Penalties

  20. Chapter 8.20 - Reserve Funds

  1. Chapter 9.01 - Administration

  2. Chapter 9.02 - Definitions

  3. Chapter 9.03 - Use Districts

  4. Chapter 9.04 - Agricultural Zones

  5. Chapter 9.05 - Residential Zones

  6. Chapter 9.06 - Commercial, Commercial/Residential and Central Business Zones

  7. Chapter 9.07 - Factory/Industrial Zones

  8. Chapter 9.08 - General Provisions

  9. Chapter 9.09 - Special Regulations

  10. Chapter 9.10 - Sign Regulations

  11. Chapter 9.11 - Non-Conforming Structures and Uses

  12. Chapter 9.12 - Conditional Uses

  13. Chapter 9.13 - Planned Unit Development

  14. Chapter 9.14 - Subdivision Regulations

  1. Chapter 10.01 - Responsibility of Enforcement

  2. Chapter 10.02 - Public Address systems and Outside Speakers

  3. Chapter 10.03 - Gambling

  4. Chapter 10.04 - Posting Notices Without Permission

  5. Chapter 10.05 - Curfew for Minors Sixteen Years of Age and Under

  6. Chapter 10.06 - Bicycles, Tricycles, Scooters, roller Skates and Skateboards Prohibited

  7. Chapter 10.07 - Penalty

  8. Chapter 10.08 - Procedure for Arrest

  1. Chapter 11.01 - Council Authorized to Locate Town Sites

  1. Chapter 12.01 - Ordinance in Revision

  2. Chapter 12.02 - Construing Words

  3. Chapter 12.03 - Importance of Titling of Provisions

  4. Chapter 12.04 - Ordinance to be Construed Liberally

  5. Chapter 12.05 - Severability

  6. Chapter 12.06 - Application of these Rules to Amendments

  7. Chapter 12.07 - Repeal of Past Ordinances

  8. Chapter 12.08 - Rights, Property, Obligations of City to Continue

  9. Chapter 12.09 - Offices to Continue

  10. Chapter 12.10 - Repeal of Ordinances Not to Affect Pending Penalties and Proceedings

  11. Chapter 12.11 - Franchise Rights Not Impaired

  12. Chapter 12.12 - Penalties for Breach of Ordinances

  13. Chapter 12.13 - Ordinance in Revision to be Published

  14. Chapter 12.14 - Loose Leaf Copies of this Ordinance

  15. Chapter 12.15 - Keeping this Ordinance Current

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